Download the MP3: (High Quality) 32k Quality: Download the MP3: (32k Quality) This conflict will always exist, it’s more apparent in eastern cultures who have immigrated to the US, but the more conservative Americans deal with this all the time. There are varying dynamics between the subject and their parents,[…]
Platonic Friendship or Attraction in Denial?
Download the MP3: (High Quality) 32k Quality: Download the MP3: (32k Quality) Referring to a relationship between two heterosexual people of different sexes, we first try to find out exactly what relationships constitute a platonic friendship and secondly whether or not it’s even possible to have one with the opposite sex. To clarify, accepting a[…]

Iranican Reports: Passing the Torch of Success
About six months ago, Iranian Future Leaders (IFL) put together an unprecedented event for Iranian Americans at UCLA. Sponsored by PAAIA, the event featured six Iranian Americans which at this event were models of success for the youth. The event also featured about two dozen “VIP” guests which came through and walked[…]