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Whaaaaaat?? Have you ever seen advertisements of blockbusters at your local Chelokababi? Well, this time around for Prince of Persia, we did. It’s the first time that a production company and part time God, Disney, has specifically targeted Iranians to advertise this movie to. Why is that? As far as most businesses are concerned there are less than 500k Iranians in the US and out of that group, the jobless pain-in-the-neck, hang-out-by-the-mall-or-theater high-schooler demographic is not enough to even dent the box office numbers Disney wants to go for. So was Disney’s intention behind hiring ‘pro-green’ production company Boom-Gen to serve as its marketing arm to reach Iranians? After talking to Boom-Gen and being denied by Disney’s Marketing for an interview, the best answer we came up with was a pre-emptive backlash prevention. Disney’s perceived God-like image and feel is worth more than any money a blockbuster could generate, so let’s throw some money at those who’re going to complain about Dastan’s (Jake Gyllenhaal) lack of chest hair, Gemma Arterton (Princess Tamina)’s lack of hotness-although in the opinion of yours truly, Gemma has not looked this cute in real life or any other role- and make sure the cinderella story creator doest suffer a 300-like attack. Not to mention as Ramin commented on our facebook page, the old-English accent all the Persians have. Was the Persian accent not sexy enough? Imagine “Geev mee deh dah-ger, I vant to geht deh tah-dig.” Unfortunately since Iranians don’t have a copyright on the word “Persia”, Disney can come up with whatever it dreams of to make money and put that name on it. The bottom line is, the movie is based on a video game which has evolved from a “prince megahit” and
SHIFT+L filled classic most of us are guilty of enjoying.
Now, let’s get to Movie Hype in General. Believe me, if you’re a girl, you have an easier time understanding why guys camp out for Star-Wars like it’s Yosemite National Park, than guys trying to understand how in the name of Zeus’s Pie Hole, girls are mind-numbed and sometimes sweaty after watching a movie about a girl who’s in a love triangle between a chest-flashing werewolf and a hair-straightener using vampire. A girl on YouTube explained unrealistic fantasy romance novels/movies to what pornography is to guys. Well, when you put it that way, it just clicks. On the show Shahed, Ali, Mahvash and Iman also discuss Sex and the City.
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