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…but we’re going to have fun with both anyways. Have you ever been driving when that special someone you like sends you a text you just gotta respond to? You quickly try to shoot back a text before you get into an accident. This week’s radio show explores WikiLeaks and moments and driving under the influence of something.
I drive under the influence all the time. Sometimes I drive under the influence of love, sometimes sadness, boredom, confusion…I think you get the idea. Maybe the worst is driving under the influence of Persian, (ie arguing with baba about the best way to get home). I am driving under the influence of beauty when I see an eye candy on the street and my eyes wonder from the road to the “check her out”. Say what you wish, I’ll still call it beauty.
The law has said somethings are illegal like driving while drunk, high, talking, or texting, but studies have shown that a tired driver can be just or even more dangerous than a drunk one. The point is, we are all always driving under the influence. Somethings may be more dangerous than others, but they all inhibit our driving in some way. In 2008, almost 20 percent of all crashes in the year involved some type of distraction. (Distraction.Gov).
Even worse than alcohol/drugs and tiredness is getting a BJ…..(personal experience
but it was worth it!)
LOOOL. Good point. I’m sure everyone who reads that will believe you speak of experience.