
From the blog

What are you afraid of?

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I was seven years old and my babysitter decided it would be fun to watch “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” the original movie… NOT the TV series (because let’s be real, that was a seriously lame show… no offense).  For the first time that night, I was exposed to the world of vampires… and not your typical, Twilight lovey-dovey vampire that protect you (a human) from all things evil, but the kind of vampires that sneak up behind you and rip your throat out.  Needless to say, at that age, I was absolutely horrified.

That night, I had the world’s worst nightmare… I dreamt that the evil vampire from Buffy was after my family and me, and no matter where I went to hide, he found me.  I woke up screaming and proceeded to run to my parent’s room.  For two weeks, I crept into their bed every single night.  Finally, my dad took me to my bed one night and said, “Sarah… you can keep the vampires and the bad dreams away, just pray every night and ask Khoda for no nightmares.”  I prayed every single night for no vampire nightmares until the seventh grade.  However, even after I realized I could handle bad dreams, I wouldn’t even look at the film cover until I was in high school.  Not that vampires scare me now, especially with this new fad of hot, protective vampires, but I was just forever scarred after the way I felt watching Buffy at age 7.

Join our co-hosts on Wednesday at 7PM PST as they talk about what they are afraid of.  In the meantime, what scares you?  What is your biggest fear?  Vampires? Commitment?  Share with us what your scariest dream is.

Iranian Live Talk Show airs on every other Wed @ 7PM, every other Fri at 9AM on Radio Bamdad Sacramento, and is available for podcast on



  1. Hi guys

    saw the “why are people afraid of commitment?” question on fb. And I thought there was a point missing from comments.. I don’t think it’s so much the “heartbreak” that makes people afraid of commitment, as feelings and emotions can develop even without it! It’s the responsibility that comes with a commitment (any sort of commitment for that matter) that scares some people off. By being commited to something/someone you become accountable, even if not to anybody else but to yourself.

    Looking forward to the show :-)

  2. I agree to an extent Nina jan. I think that when you are in a commitment, you are far more vulnerable. When you are in love with someone from afar- there are still certain boundaries between you guys that prohibits you from completing letting your guard down since the other person might not exactly share those feelings. But when you are WITH that person, it’s harder to be pro-commitment with no fear because there is a chance that person might really end up hurting you.