Did you hear?! Justin Bieber is going to have a BABY!! …. Miley Cyrus is on… DRUGS?! Aaahh rumors… For most of us, the rumor mill plays a significant role in our lives- whether we give in to the temptation of picking up that US Weekly magazine at the grocery[…]
STDea Contest: Increase Awareness in Iran
In 2003 180k cases of STDs were recorded in Iran, this number which yields to ~ .5% seems to be a joke, since a recent study of 123 married women yielded an eye brow raising 17% just on Chlamydia alone!! Based on our anecdotal research in Iran we know that aside from HIV/AIDS there is[…]
Don’t talk about that ! نگو زشته
I was about eight years old. My parents were taking to me yet ANOTHER Irooni family party on a Friday night. As we rolled up in our Mercedes Benz, my mom took a look out the window and said, “Ahhh so-and-so is here?! Dammit aslan hoselash ra nadaram, Khanoume whoever[…]
Wanting What You Can’t Have
Download the MP3: (High Quality) It was a cold December afternoon as my friend and I walked past the BMW dealership. I was talking about how my day at work had gone when I realized my friend was no longer walking with me. I looked back and sure enough, there[…]