This week we welcome a guest co-host to Sedaye Iranican, Shabnam, who will be potentially filling our empty co-host seat. We also interview Davood Behboodi, whose highly anticipated album is set to be released in the near future, and he is here to give us all the details, ranging from his inspirations to his exciting goals for this new release.
Our topic this week is envy of others’ success, and whether that envy is justified or rooted in jealousy. Here is our twitter, you can send us some love on our faceBook page, and leave us a voice-mail at 1-762-BEFARMA (762-2332-762). Download Mp3
Welcome Shabi joon :-*
Bache Ha In Shabnam Kheili bahale…albate Elnazam kheili bahal bood vali shabnam farsi ro behtar harf mizane hatta az farzad o hooshang…rasti zedbazi ro ham biarin
shabnam kheili khob o por energy vared shodi damet garmmmmmm
Elnaz jash vaghean khali bood
lotfan behesh begid ke man barash peygham gozashtam inja, FB man felan deactivate hast albate az barname ha ham aghab hastam chon nemishe download kard, be har hal dastetun dard nakone
Masale dige ke mikhastam begam, fek konam yeki dige az adathaye badi ke bazi az ma darim ine ke adaye digaran ro be shukhi dar miarim, ke kheili ghashang nist! Nemikham nasihat konam vali age kasi shinesh 6ta noghte dare ya yejure khasi sohbat mikone 2ros nist jeloye digaran ba zekre esme taraf adasho dar avord harchand be shukhi bashe….hala hooshi ke ada dar miare arabi & torki & esfehooni & adaye shakhse khasi nist va moshakhase serfan janbe mezah dare kholase ke az ma goftan bud