
From the blog

Sexuality with Sexologist Dr. Ohadi

Adult content. We’re breaking taboos, talking about extramarital relationships,  masturbation, answering your facebook questions and learning that over 75% of divorces have sexual dissatisfaction as a factor.  We are pleased to have Dr. Behnam Ohadi, Psychiatrist and Sexologist (which we didn’t know what that was until this show) join us as a guest through the program. Dr. Ohadi has completed his education in Iran, including University of Tehran, and he is one of only a handful of people with a specialization in Sexology working in Iran.

Sex & Relationships

We are excited to bring to you a special edition of Sedaye Iranican dedicated to Sexuality. We spent more time on the topic and skipped our music and comments section for your happiness! Per your requests, we are also trying out Sound Cloud. Let us know how we’re doing!  Here is our twitter, you can send us some love on our faceBook page, and leave us a voice-mail at 1-762-BEFARMA (762-2332-762). Download Mp3 !


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